School culture: Hold students accountable

By Cossondra George When I was growing up (back when we wrote with rocks in the dirt, before paper was invented), children were taught to respect their elders. Period. Sir, ma’am, please, and thank you were the norms. We now allow children more autonomy. We have...

Open Letter to Columbus Township Residents

Our township is facing a possible crisis from which there would be no coming back. Township Board members have stated that except for Ed Auge, none of them intend to run for another term. There seems to be a consensus that there won’t be enough people interested in...

Letter to the Editor: Chop down the scenic trees

To the Editor: The “powers that be” in the Village of Newberry Government recently announced that they will proceed with their agenda to chop down the scenic trees that line Newberry Ave. This is after they publically announced late last fall that the decision would...

What it will take to win the First District

By Bill Diem Dr. Bob Lorinser, Democratic candidate for Congress who was trounced in 2022, has already announced that he will run again in 2024. His plan to win is to get known and to change the way his Democratic party treats rural America. It might work. “My main...

Just Bill – Art Deco days followed ‘Go Indians’

By Bill Diem When the conversation turns to the Cleveland baseball team, I have a hard time not talking about the Tribe. I am well aware of the pressures that led to changing the name Indians to Guardians, but I don’t agree. Loving as I do the Upper Peninsula and its...

Newberry’s bells are joy

By Sterling McGinn Exactly 65 years ago, the look and feel of the Christmas season of downtown Newberry was forever changed in a positive way. I don’t think there is anything in our community that exudes happiness and joy more than the iconic and traditional Newberry...