Night dreams and daydreams of trout streams

By Tim Callahan Wouldn’t it be great if we could program our dreams before we fell asleep? I’d select a dream of trout fishing on a small stream. I remember a dream I had of fishing and camping on the Peppermint Creek behind my grandparents’ home in Nesson City, a...

Field research with Tim Callahan

The smelt dippers By Tim Callahan It’s April 10 and my journal says last year on this day, I got into a great run of smelt at 10:30 in the evening. What a difference a year makes with Mother Nature’s clock. My main goal then was to do a painting at the mouth of the...

Latest DNR wolf survey shows stable population

From the Michigan DNR The 2024 winter wolf population survey estimate from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources found a minimum of 762 wolves in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. This year’s estimate showed an increase of 131 animals compared to the 2022 estimate of...

The forest needs to be disturbed

By Bill Cook MSU Extension Forester and Biologist, retired Disturbance is disturbing to many people, especially when it comes to forests. Folks like things as they are, or as they think they are. When something changes the visual quality of a forest, the fan gets hit....

Tell me a duck stamp story

By Tim Callahan It was the 1930s in America – the Dust Bowl had dried up most of the Midwest’s marshes and ponds. The ducks were in big trouble; so were a lot of Americans. An idea was born to have a duck stamp to raise money for waterfowl habitat. Since its...

Wildlife Friday Woodcock Walk

By Kristie Sitar What is that noise in the dark, you ask? You hear it every spring in the opening behind your house just as it gets dark, and you think it could be some kind of bird. Could it be an American Woodcock? Or a Snipe winnowing? Or maybe a Whip-poor-will?...