Farewell to the Toonerville Trolley and Riverboat Tour

By Sterling McGinn News that the Toonerville Trolley and Riverboat Tour is officially closing almost feels like the loss of an old friend. The business was an icon of the Tahquamenon region for nearly a century. But, as I was often told as a child, all good things...

It’s a fact: Newberry has some very positive points

By Bill Diem One day after I had my pick-up hauled to the shop to replace the starter that let me down during a fishing trip, I waited for my wife to take me home from downtown Newberry. From 5:38 to 5:54 p.m. I sat on the comfortable bench in front of the Newberry...

Five takeaways from last week’s election

By Greg Rathje 1. Turnout was down. At the start of every election morning, I tell our election workers my best guess for voter turnout. Some days I’m close, some days…not so much. Last week I was off—way off! Turnout for the last four August primaries were 28%, 40%,...

Remembering those who gave all for America

By Sterling McGinn Memorial Day weekend is often referred to as the official start of summer. Seniors are graduating from high school—there are BBQS—picnics and some signs say “Memorial Day patio furniture sales”. Flags are being placed along streets, at cemeteries....

Where has the respect gone?

Attention!! Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, whoever is responsible for children who are going to Tahquamenon Area Schools: Where has the respect gone? When your children eat at home, are they allowed to throw food at each other? Are they allowed to throw it all...

Looking for justice in the Mid-East

By Bill Diem The atrocities that Hamas soldiers did in Israel are like the atrocities that Sioux warriors did against pioneers moving to Oregon. The Sioux killed men, women and children who had done nothing to the Sioux. In response, the United States went all in on...