By Sterling McGinn

The Pentland Township Board held a special meeting at 10 a.m. on Friday, December 30 at 10 to meet with their attorney regarding the ongoing litigation with the Village of Newberry.

Supervisor Janet Maki and Trustee Bill Glime were not in attendance, though the board did have a quorum present.

The litigation stems from disputes over billings from the village wastewater treatment services dating back to at least 2017, and includes other lingering wastewater issues between the Village of Newberry and Pentland Township.

Pentland Township filed a lawsuit against the village on September 6, 2019 and has declined to pay the water bills until the dispute can be resolved. Earlier in 2019, a court filing by the Village of Newberry was dismissed by the judge pursuant to a later court hearing.

The special meeting on December 30 was held to consult with Pentland’s attorney regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with specific pending litigation.

After nearly an hour in closed session, the board voted to authorize their attorney to present to the village attorney a final settlement offer, with a check included. The motion was approved.

“I certainly hope that the village council members take this settlement seriously,” said Pentland Township Clerk Greg Rathje.

Pentland’s attorney will present the settlement offer to the village attorney, who will transmit the offer to the Newberry’s village manager. The manager, Allison Watkins, will then present the offer to the Newberry Village Council.