By Sterling McGinn
Pentland Township is moving forward in an effort to establish a sewer lagoon system by looking into securing land to host the lagoon.
This was one items discussed at the June meeting of Pentland Township held Tuesday, June 13.
The location of the properties has not been disclosed, but the township is moving forward with land appraisals. Township Clerk Greg Rathje said the independent appraisals are a legal requirement.
After discussion, the board voted to hire an appraiser to evaluate the proposed parcels.
A lagoon system, also known as an effluent pond, allows sewage to flow from the township’s infrastructure to a lagoon, where it is broken down by sunlight, wind, and algae.
Mudroch is an engineer with the Sidock Group, a firm working with the township on a preliminary design for the system.
The Pentland Township Board may hold a special meeting before the July regular meeting regarding the purchase of land.
The board would convene in closed session, as discussions about purchasing real estate is a legal reason the board can meet in closed session under the Open Meetings Act.
In other news, Rathje updated the board on the ongoing Pentland vs. Newberry sewer litigation.
“There is no new news, because they are done talking and we are done talking,” Rathje said.
The next court hearing over the matter will take place via Zoom on Friday, June 30 at 2 p.m. “Hopefully the judge is going to rule on the village’s motion to cancel our case, or not,” Rathje said.