The Village Council for the Village of Newberry will hold a public hearing regarding reducing the number of council trustee seats from six (6) seats to four (4) seats as permitted by the General Law Village Act (GLVA). This would reduce the total number of Village Council members from seven (7) to five (5).
The hearing will be on Tuesday, February 15, at 6:00 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as possible) at the Village of Newberry Council Chambers, 307 E. McMillan Ave, Newberry, MI. The council will vote on the action at the regular meeting which will take place immediately following the public hearing.
The Village Council welcomes written and/or verbal comments regarding the reduction of the number of council trustees. Any written comments received by Thursday, February 10 at 4 p.m. in the Village Office will be included in the council meeting packet.