By Dan Hardenbrook

How are you spending your summer vacation? For nearly a dozen kids from the Engadine and Naubinway area, they are giving up part of their vacation to go to work assisting those in need. After massive flooding left behind devastation in the Midland region, help is on the way.

Area youth that are a part of the Engadine/Naubinway Christian Fellowship Churches are joining forces to help assist with cleanup later this summer. The group of kids, ages 14-18, will head to the Midland area July 28-August 1. Tasks will include cleaning up damaged areas, yardwork, painting, and assisting in rebuilding homes. Korah Hopper, Ally Loebach, Drew and Leah French, Drake DeWyse, Alicia and Lauren King, Sophia Gustafson, Aaron Buss, Imani Miller, and Conrad Spieles will be making the trip as part of the summer youth group project.

“We normally like to try and do something every year,” said Drake DeWyse. “With the COVID stuff, we couldn’t really plan or do some of the things we wanted too. So we have been looking for an opportunity and this came up. The floods broke out and we had a good idea to go down there and help.”

As part of the project, the kids are collecting donations of items to help out those who are in need. Items include non-perishable food, household items, self-care and toiletry things, and other day-to-day items. The group will also accept cash donations to purchase any items that may come up. Donations will be collected now through July 12, and can be dropped off at any of the CFC churches or the Garfield Township Hall in Engadine

DeWyse said that he and his fellow youth group members are excited for the opportunity to assist others in need. “Usually the trips are far away. It’s really cool to do something to help out our own state,” he said. “We get to make a difference and help others. I wish we could’ve gone sooner, but we couldn’t.”

Today, July 1, Village Pizza in Naubinway will be donating a percentage of all of their sales to help raise money for the group. You can call (906) 477-1111 to place an order and assist in the project. The youth group will also be hosting a meal for area elders as another fundraiser for the project.