By Carol Stiffler
The Luce County Sheriff’s Department has added deputy Jason Wyma to their full-time staff. Wyma is now the third deputy in the department, which is overseen by Sheriff John Cischke and Undersheriff Eric Gravelle.
Wyma brings 24 years of law enforcement experience to the position. He spent 20 years serving as a police officer for the city of Sault Ste. Marie, served as a police officer in South Carolina for three years, and then spent one year working in the Chippewa County jail.
Wyma plans to move to the Newberry area after his son, Jaron, graduates from Soo High in the spring. Jaron is a star cross country runner who has lately been pushing Newberry’s Ephram Evans in a race to cross the finish line first. Wyma is currently commuting back and forth between Newberry and Sault Ste Marie.
Law enforcement has been a passion for Wyma all his life. He began practicing law enforcement at age 14 as a junior explorer. He held internships at police departments, attended LSSU for criminal justice, and got hired immediately after graduating.
“I’ve been in it my whole life,” he said. “It’s the only thing I know how to do, really. I still enjoy it.”
He describes his personality as laid back and says he is looking forward to serving Luce County as a road patrol officer.
“When you’re road patrol here, I guess you’re pretty much everything,” he said. “You do the jail, the jailer; you can be a transport officer.”
He will work a shift of 2 p.m. to 2 a.m., alternating two days and then five days per week. His counterpart, Deputy Mike Peters, will work the same shift on days the Wyma is not scheduled. This will provide continual coverage in the afternoon shift.
Because of his extensive experience, Wyma won’t need a lot of additional training.
When he’s off duty, Wyma likes to hunt, fish, and do anything outdoors.
“That’s why I like Luce County so much,” he said. “There’s so much outdoors.”
As he travels the wilderness of Luce County, he is looking forward to meeting and serving its residents.