By Jim Dwyer

After a local run of historic photo shows on Independence Day, from 2003 through 2019, a COVID-induced hiatus brought it to a halt for the past three years.

This year, the show will be held on July 3 and 4 and will be sponsored by the Tahquamenon Education Foundation headed by Director, Larry Vincent.  The show will be conducted by Sterling McGinn and Jim Dwyer. The show will take place at the the American Legion Post 74 because of construction work going on at Tahquamenon Area Schools.

The displays can be viewed in the Legion big hall from 7 – 9 p.m. on July 3 and after the parade on the Fourth until 2:30 p.m.

After noticing in 2002, my basement had a large accumulation of photos that might be of interest to present and former Newberry area people, I contacted several “movers and shakers” in the Newberry area.

I heard back from Village Manager Beverly Holmes.  She was able to coordinate the use of the Old Bank Building, then owned by Mrs. Fran Beaulieu.  It turned out to be a great location to display photos from the era in which the building was constructed.

However, as the volume of photos increased, we kind of “outgrew” that facility and were fortunately able to use the Newberry High School gym.  All the shows since then have been held at the gym.

In the more recent shows, McGinn has been the lone arranger.  He will continue in that role this year.  Without his efforts, it is unlikely that the displays would have continued.

The displays received a major boost when NHS shop teacher Bill Sheerer and his classes constructed the easels that have lined the gym during the shows.

McGinn and Dwyer have continued to collect old photos during the time frame when they weren’t conducting shows.  Some of those will be available for viewing.  All the TEF Directors have been very supportive of the efforts.

We look forward to seeing the usual crowds who will be able to reunite with the photos and often with each other!

There is no charge to attend the displays. However, TEF Director Larry Vincent welcomes any monetary contributions to benefit future NHS graduates.