By Sterling McGinn

Newberry resident and retired teacher Christine Pleiman has just written a new book geared towards children. This short, sweet story titled My Boy, chronicles a day in the life of a boy and his dog.

The book is based on Pleiman’s son and the family’s Golden Retriever, who followed the young boy everywhere. Readers will get a sense of how important and special the relationships with pets can be to children and the family as a whole.

The boy and his dog go on walks, play video games together, go for car rides, and comfort each other when needed. It is truly a special relationship.

While Pleiman was still teaching, she was part of the National Writing Project. This project taught teachers to write, by having them write, and during this project, she wrote the book. This was in 2004.

“During 2020, when I had some time on my hands, I submitted the book to several publishers and I got a call,” she stated. The book was published by Olympia Publishers and is illustrated by A. Quadir.

Pleiman and her husband, Joe, are from Gladwin, Michigan, but loved coming to the U.P and eventually moved here.

“We love living up here—we camped every summer for about 15 years, and we were finally able to move up here,” Pleiman said. “We love the beauty…It is gorgeous up here.”

Following their move to the area in 2015, Pleiman taught at Three Lakes Academy for three years, then spent another three years at Tahquamenon Area Schools.

During her teaching career, she taught a variety of ages from preschool to the eighth grade. “Kindergarten was my favorite,” she said.

Pleiman is a wife, mother of four, and grandmother to two girls with another on the way. She has children living in the U. P. and downstate. She also has a Springer Spaniel and loves walking in the woods and along Lake Superior.

Pleiman has written another book, Seek a 28-day Journey to Consistent Bible Study, which is ready for publishing. She also has several other children’s books that are in the process of being written.

My Boy can be purchased on Amazon, and Pleiman’s publishers are working to get her book available in local stores.