By Carol Stiffler

The Elks Lodge 1705 building, which had a partial roof collapse on January 24, is under repair. After an architectural engineer determined the southern side of the building and bar area could stay, makeshift walls were erected to separate that area from the rest of the building.

Capitalizing on the opportunity, the kitchen has been emptied for a thorough cleaning. Elks member Nancy Grewe said the group hopes to be able to reopen the undamaged side of the building in time for graduation parties this spring.

“We have heat, water and electric now. Dumpsters are in place for demolition,” she said. “Any progress is good and exciting.”

Demolition of the damaged side was set to begin this week.

Because of the partial roof collapse, all Elks club events have been canceled since late January. The loss of the Friday night fish fry has been a particular sore spot for the community. The group was able to serve alcohol at the Winter Wine Down event at Newberry Motors on February 29, however, and is looking forward to getting back into their home location soon.